Schlagwort: The Wolf of Wall Street

28. März 2019 / / Filmtipps
3. März 2014 / / Oscars

Such a fantastic race! Tonight was the night the first Science Fiction movie won Best Director while 12 Years a Slave still got some great recognition by winning Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Supporting Actress (Lupita Nyong’o). The race (aside from some questionable choices in Documentary and Foreign Language Film but that always happens in those categories) was just a joy to watch with Gravity getting more recongition that I could have ever hoped for back when I watched Cuarón’s masterpiece for the first time.
Dallas Buyers Club scored big with three wins for Make Up, Jared Leto and Matthew McConaughey.
The big surprise winner is Spike Jonze for original screenplay (Her) and American Hustle turned out to be the big loser with 0/10.

Personal Scores:

Flipthetruck’s score: 18/21 (not counting shorts)
Existential Coffee’s score: 20/21 (not counting shorts)

Number of wins by movies:

  • Gravity: 7 Wins (Best Visual Effects, Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Mixing, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Original Score, Best Director)
  • Dallas Buyers Club: 3 Wins (Best Supporting Actor, Make Up, Best Actor)
  • 12 Years a Slave: 3 Wins (Best Supporting Actress, Best Adapted Screenplay, 12 Years a Slave)
  • Frozen: 2 Wins (Best Animated Feature, Best Original Song)
  • The Great Gatsby: 2 Wins (Best Costume Design, Best Production Design)
  • Blue Jasmine: 1 Win (Blue Jasmine)
  • The Great Beauty: 1 Win (Best Foreign Language Film)
  • 20 Feet from Stardom: 1 Win (Best Documentary)
  • Mr. Hublot: 1 Win (Best Animated Short)
  • Helium: 1 Win (Best Short Film Live Action)
  • The Lady in Number 6: Music Saved my Life: 1 Win (Best Documentary Short)

For the full list hit the jump.

2. März 2014 / / Oscars


It’s Oscar time again!
The Super Bowl for movie fans is upon us!

And no Oscar race would be complete without our annual predictions.

And this year is going to be one of the best races in recent Oscar history. Very rarely does the Academy have a lineup full of really great talents and movies that will truly stay with us for a long time (anyone remember Benjamin Button? Yeah, me neither).

The list ranges from

  • 12 Years a Slave – an intense experience which never turns into the standard Oscar movie about slavery
  • Gravity – a movie showing the beautiful union of gripping storytelling and technical spectacle
  • Nebraska (review yet to come) – a very intimate story about what we truly know about our parents and why we should/shouldn’t trust people
  • American Hustle – a flashy, fun comedy lead by an ensemble cast of top notch actors enjoying every moment of the ride
  • The Wolf of Wall Street – a divisive piece of entertainment which is much complex and layered than many of the critics have made it out to be

And those are just the five nominees who also have a nomination for Best Director. On top of that are so much more brilliant pieces it is actually spooky. I have yet to catch up on Philomena and Dallas Buyers Club but I highly doubt that they will be The Reader or Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close of 2014 – meaning the movie you keep wondering why it was nominated at all.

But now to our tips. As with the last years I sat down with Existential Coffee and we compiled our list for winners. If we disagreed about one category my predictions will be in blue and Existential Coffee’s in red.

20. Januar 2014 / / Oscars

Wolf of Wall Street 3

The Wolf of Wall Street is based on the memoir of Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) who founded the brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont and committed quite a handful of frauds. Directed by Martin Scorsese (Hugo) the movie chronicle’s Belfort’s descent into a world of crime, drugs and devastation.
And despite some mixed reviews and a lot of controversy surrounding its release I found myself enjoying the movie quite a lot – although enjoying might be the wrong phrase to use when we are talking about a 3 hour story about horrible people doing horrible things.