A very cool preview has surfaced: it is the track “Radagast the Brown” for this…
Schlagwort: The Hobbit
Finally there is a new trailer for Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, the first part of the now-trilogy – and it can never hurt to include Harry Potter trailermusic in your epic-fantasy-trailer.
Long before the Hobbit was announced to be a trilogy and before Peter Jackson was set to direct it another director was set to be the director: Guillermo Del Toro.
Having created such iconic movies as Pan’s Labyrinth and having managed to capture a magical mysterious atmosphere with Hellboy II Del Toro seemed like a fantastic way to bring a new spin to Middle-Earth. And while I am very happy with Peter Jackson I can’t help to mourn the loss of a Del Toro helmed Hobbit. In an interview with io9 Peter Jackson is now talking about Del Toro’s influence:
Peter Jackson had an interesting announcement on his facebook page – something that has started as a rumor a few days ago:
The adaption of J.J.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit will not be two movies (An Unexpected Journey and There and Back again respectively) but instead a whole trilogy! Here is a capture of his statement:
The highly anticipated two parter (The Hobbit: An unexpected Journey and The Hobbit: There and Back Again) that will take of December 2012 unveiled three images of the first part featuring Bilbo Baggins (the porn actor from Love Actually) and Gandalf (Magneto v1.0):
UPDATED: Speaking of Potter, this scene just made me wow: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-ROEIQ_31A&feature=player_embedded] I can’t help but…