Schlagwort: Jonah Hill

30. Juli 2014 / / Reviews

22 jump street 1

Channing Tatum und Jonah Hill sind zurück für den zweiten Teil eines Remakes einer 80er Jahre TV Serie. Wie schon 21 Jump Street von 2012 gelingt es dem unglaublichen Regie-Duo Phil Lord und Christopher Miller (The Lego Movie) erneut eine überraschend gute Komödie zu liefern. Wenn wir mal ehrlich sind, war der erste Teil ein nicht zu erwartender Erfolg und die Ankündigung einer Fortsetzung wirkte wie der billige Versuch noch einmal abzucashen, so wie wir das schon bei Hangover gesehen haben. Und genau wie bei Hangover 2 lautet die Devise:

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20. Januar 2014 / / Oscars

Wolf of Wall Street 3

The Wolf of Wall Street is based on the memoir of Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) who founded the brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont and committed quite a handful of frauds. Directed by Martin Scorsese (Hugo) the movie chronicle’s Belfort’s descent into a world of crime, drugs and devastation.
And despite some mixed reviews and a lot of controversy surrounding its release I found myself enjoying the movie quite a lot – although enjoying might be the wrong phrase to use when we are talking about a 3 hour story about horrible people doing horrible things.

25. Januar 2013 / / Reviews

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Reviewing a Tarantino movie is always tricky as there are very few directors where it really depends on what you want and expect when going into his movies – depending on this either you love the things or you will roll your eyes at them.

In 2009 I heard average buzz at Cannes from Inglourious Basterds and not being a real fan of Tarantino’s works post Pulp Fiction I went in wanting to see the pretentious director fail miserably… I went out of the cinema begrudgingly admitting that Inglourious Basterds was a pretty solid film. And the more time passed the more I fell in love with it until it eventually ended on my year’s best list and still is.

With Django Unchained I went in wanting to really like it because Basterds had just swept me around and reduced all the problems I had with Death Proof and Kill Bill.

When the final credits rolled I was left thinking “maybe I expected too much”…