Schlagwort: Captain America

21. April 2014 / / Reviews

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In seinem Regiedebut erzählt uns Wally Pfister die Geschichte von Wissenschaftler Will Caster (Johnny Depp), der zusammen mit seiner Frau Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) an künstlicher Intelligenz forscht. Als er einem Attentat der technophoben Terrororganisation R.I.F.T. zum Opfer fällt, rettet seine Frau und bester Freund Max (Paul Bettany) seinen Verstand indem sie diesen digitalisieren. Doch ist es noch Will oder schon etwas ganz anderes?

24. Oktober 2013 / / Special Coverage
5. Mai 2012 / / Reviews
25. April 2012 / / Reviews

This is the third article in the coverage of the movies related to 2012’s The Avengers. To get to the overview click here.

The best weapon is the weapon you only have to fire once!

The arrogance in the words of Tony Stark is incredible. The way he puts himself above everyone else, leads an overly luxurious lifestyle and doesn’t care for anyone else – he the guy you would not suspect to be a hero left alone like him at all. And yet Tony Stark is one of the strongest if not the strongest hero characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

1. März 2012 / / Analysen
29. August 2011 / / General

Five movies, four origin stories – Captain America is the last stepping stone in Marvel’s big project of a unified comic book movie universe, so there are two questions:

is it a proper film or just a tie in?

how much propaganda can we expect from a movie called Captain America?

29. Juli 2011 / / General
26. Juli 2011 / / General
24. Juni 2011 / / General