Schlagwort: Caesar

1. August 2017 / / Reviews

Planet der Affen: Survival muss nicht nur ein guter Film sein, sondern auch eine der besten modernen Filmreihen beenden – schafft Matt Reeves das Unmögliche?

31. Juli 2017 / / Gewinnspiele
9. August 2014 / / Reviews

Caesar und sein Streben nach einer friedlichen Affengesellschaft sind zurück und nach dem emotional ergreifenden ersten Teil Planet der Affen: Prevolution wird dem Zuschauer statt dem Coming of Age Film nun ein politischer Thriller mit Affen präsentiert. Matt Reeves (Cloverfield, Let Me In) übernimmt den Regiestuhl von Rupert Wyatt, doch gelingt es ihm mit dieser schwierigen Prämisse eine gute Fortsetzung zu schaffen?

8. Mai 2014 / / General

Ape Army

The bad thing about the sequel to Rise of the Planet of the Apes is that director Rupert Wyatt is not returning to direct the sequel. The good thing about this new trailer for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (those titles for sure do run long) seems to follow in Wyatt’s footsteps of making these movies more about the apes as fully fleshed characters instead of villains for CGI battles:


For some thoughts hit the jump:

17. November 2011 / / Reviews

The Adventures of Tintin is an animated adaption of the popular Belgium comic series of the same name. Directed by Stephen Spielberg and produced by Peter Jackson this movie has been on many people’s watchlists. The question was if it would pay off or if this motion capture movie would be a multimillion dollar one-way-trip.

This review is part of a series of reviews Journey to the Planet of the Apes to prepare for the newest installment.
You can find all the reviews here.


A man wakes up on a strange planet ruled by apes

Another man fights telekinetic mutants and blows up earth

A group of apes travels backwards in time
and becomes celebrities

The child of the timetraveling apes leads an
army of ape butlers to enslave humanity

Four movies, one continuing story have led and prepared us for:

A schoolbus shooting at apes!

This review is part of a series of reviews Journey to the Planet of the Apes to prepare for the newest installment.
You can find all the reviews here.

Bart Simpson: And every night the monkey
butlers will regale us with jungle stories.
Nelson: How many monkey butlers will there be?
Bart Simpson: One at first, but he’ll train others.

Conquest of the Planet of the Apes has finally realized Bart Simpson’s dream of an army of ape-butlers. And it teaches the valuable lesson that ape-butlers will eventually overthrow society.