A huge load of high resolution pictures for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug has surfaced. More pictures after the jump (but beware there is some spoilery stuff ahead):
Kategorie: The Hobbit Coverage
Is „very good“ good enough for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey?
This was the question of a review over at hitfix and it is an incredibly accurate description of the dilemma that Peter Jackson’s return to Middle-Earth has to face.
Set 60 years before the Lord of the Rings trilogy this first installment of the Hobbit-Trilogy tells the story of how Bilbo Baggins (a wonderful Martin Freeman) went from being a respected to an adventurous Hobbit who would join Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage) and his 12 fellow dwarves. Together with the ever mysterious and grumpy wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellen) their mission is to get to the lonely mountain Erebor to kill the Dragon Smaug and reclaim the mountain which used to be the home of Thorin’s race.
The first picture of Legolas has found its way online. It depicts Legolas with Bard – a human character that will be of significant importance in the final act of the story: