Autor: Wolfgang

Der Host des Flipthetruck Podcasts.
Mit einem Fokus auf Science Fiction und Roboter sucht er ständig jene Mainstream Filme, die sich nicht als reine Unterhaltungsfilme zufrieden geben.

11. April 2011 / / Batman
6. April 2011 / / General

As a nice appetizer (since Warner Brothers knows that most people will buy the DVD/Blu Ray anyway) there has been a bunch of deleted scenes from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 that got released.

Most of them really deserve the name deleted scenes except for the short moment between Petunia. While I love this tiny moment I guess it has been deleted in favor of the brilliant non-verbal opening (aside from the Tales of the Three Brothers my favorite part of the film).

UPDATE: Wow they sure safed us from lot of “nothing happens scenes”

Enjoy the scenes after the jump…

5. April 2011 / / General
1. April 2011 / / General
31. März 2011 / / Reviews

Ladies and Gentlemen, the first Speed Racer of the year nominee has landed!

The future director of Superman: Man of Steel (2012) decided to open the season with a hilarious trainwreck.

Following a number of cliches strung together by a horrible Sweet Dreams cover, the heroine Baby Doll (no, I wish I would be kidding you) ends up in an Asylum, which is naturally run by crooks who do the only reasonable thing and run a brothel with the girls. Baby Doll and a given number of inmates plan to escape from the asylum. Using her imagination to dance (yes seriously) Baby Doll battles Nazis, Dragons and everything that was already shown in the trailer – showing us how much could have gone wrong with Inception.

28. März 2011 / / General

Neil Gaiman, the brilliant mind behind some of my favorite stories, has confirmed that the rights for a movie adaption of his novel “American Gods” have been sold. In an interview found here he said he doesn’t want to announce anything to steal someone else’s fire but he said that one cinematographer and director is on board who has “many many oscars and is, I think a genius” according to Gaiman, a man as nice as his hairstyle:

24. März 2011 / / General
23. März 2011 / / General
17. März 2011 / / General
16. März 2011 / / General