A third trailer for Season 4 helps us bridge the time until Game of Thrones’s return

battle for the throne banner 2014

In just  4 weeks the fourth Season of Game of Thrones will return. Riding on many promises (for example that this year there won’t be a “Episode 9” meaning the episode where everything goes haywire but instead many episodes fighting for that title) I can’t wait to find out how the tables will be turned this year. Now HBO has unveiled yet another trailer for Season 4 and there is still a recap video of Seasons 1-3 to come similarly to what they did in the previous years. But for now enjoy the newest trailer with even more dragon shots:


It’s great to see Jaime and Bronn training together!
And I am wondering if Jon Snow will be fighting a lot or just a bit because of his leg – remember Ygritte shot him a few times at the end of the third season.

Statue GOT

And I have no idea where this place is but it looks amazing, like the colossus of Rhodes of Westeros (or Essos seems more likely since there are just so many spots we haven’t yet discovered).

Crazy dragon lady

And I’m starting to believe that Dany will turn into an irresponsible parent with her murderous “children”.

Wolfgang Verfasst von:

Der Host des Flipthetruck Podcasts. Mit einem Fokus auf Science Fiction und Roboter sucht er ständig jene Mainstream Filme, die sich nicht als reine Unterhaltungsfilme zufrieden geben.

Ein Kommentar

  1. 10. März 2014

    Great trailer! And thanks for sharing the pic of that titanic statue, it’s pretty amazing.

    Looking forward to the new season of Game of Thrones!

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