New Star Trek Trailer sheds more light on Cumberbatch’s character

After some action heavy trailer the newest trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness is filled with dialog and  character moments. Shedding some light on Cumberbatch’s mysterious character John Harrison who appears to be a Federation agent hell-bent on bringing down the Federation.


There is still plenty of action and some Die Hard 5 -esque lingery for internet-repost-value still the trailer promises more story and conflicts than the previous ones and I can’t help but enjoy every single line by Cumberbatch. His lines are super arrogant but with his Sherlock-reputation I have no problems with accepting statements like “I’m better than you” with his stone-cold delivery.

Star Trek Into Darkness arrives on May 17th

Wolfgang Verfasst von:

Der Host des Flipthetruck Podcasts. Mit einem Fokus auf Science Fiction und Roboter sucht er ständig jene Mainstream Filme, die sich nicht als reine Unterhaltungsfilme zufrieden geben.

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